Area rugs can be quite the investment, taking months, even years to make, and costing up to thousands of dollars. Although they are mainly used for style, area rugs require maintenance as well, with a long-standing recommendation to have them cleaned every 12-18 months. No one understands the value of your rugs like the experts at Safe-Dry of Cypress does. For example, did you know that rugs have a tighter weave pattern than your average carpet and doesn’t provide the same airflow as regular carpet fibers? 

Our technicians are trained to specifically handle your rugs with care and to clean them appropriately and different than how we treat and care for carpet.


That’s why we have the enviable reputation of being one of the best at cleaning your rugs, in part to our attention to detail and our high-quality rug cleaning process.


Our Process


To start, our certified technicians commence a thorough assessment and pre-test of your area rugs to pinpoint spots that need the upmost attention. We follow that up with a deep vacuuming and fiber filtration process that captures lingering particles on its surface. After a final preparation, we use a hypoallergenic, all-natural carbonated solution that gently lifts and removes dirt, dust, grime, and other allergens from deep within the rug fibers. We top it off with a professional drying and finishing treatment.

Our process has been touted for leaving rugs effectively cleaned, fresh, and beautifully restored. All without the use of harsh chemicals that leave behind sticky residue or without saturating your rugs and causing damage or discoloration. 


Worried about the risks associated with transporting your expensive rug to clean it offsite?

Rest assured! 

We offer in-home rug cleaning that is safe, quick, and effective. More importantly, it won’t damage your floors. Book with us today and take advantage of the $25 Off In-Home Rug Cleaning coupon we have available! Check out our deals page for more information and shop our other exclusive deals!


At Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning, we are in the business of taking care of our Cypress customers. Whether you have an Oriental or an everyday shag rug, know that the highly trained professionals here will handle your pieces with extreme care and clean it 100% to your satisfaction or your money back.


Give our local office a call and get same-day service! Let our technicians take care of your rug cleaning. Your satisfaction is our guarantee!