My name is Shana Nichols. I live off Dexter Lake Drive in Cordova, TN, 38016. I got this custom couch with my roommates when I first started going to the University of Memphis four years ago.
Graduation was coming, though, and my roommates, who were now also my best friends, were leaving to go follow their dreams. We all chose furniture to take, bookshelves, stools, and tables we all acquired over the years. I won the couch!
It has a pretty interesting fabric. It’s a beige velveteen sectional, and we tried our best to keep it looking its best. But as it goes, we had one last night together, where we had a small party with a couple of extra friends before term ended. One of my friends accidentally knocked her drink over and spilled tequila down the front of the couch!
When we woke up the next morning, it was sticky and dark. We tried to clean with a wet rag, afraid to use anything else and damage the fabric. The rag didn’t change anything though. There was a small stain on the edge of the cushion, and it had dripped down the front of the upholstery as well. My friend felt so bad, and she offered to pay the price of cleaning if I called and made an appointment with Safe Dry Carpet Cleaning. I used their online booking service, and Xavier showed up the same day!
He arrived right on time, at 3PM that afternoon. When he arrived, most of our things were already boxed up, so we were sure to move our stuff out of the way. We hadn’t been able to move the rug, but he assured me that his solution would not cause any damage to the rug should it come into contact with it.
He assessed the stains and the fabric, and made a call to ensure which cleaning method and solution was best to use on our material. Once it was confirmed he was correct, and we agreed with his assessment, he set to work immediately! He took a little over an hour to complete the cleaning, taking extra care of our couch to make sure nothing would be left behind. He didn’t use any harsh chemicals or tools that would rip up the fibers. He was careful, and steady, not rushing through it.
He told me that the couch would be dry in an hour, and that if we had any concerns we could call him directly. He gave us his business card and some instructions on how to try to prevent the stains in the future. He was professional and respectful the entire time, and as he predicted, my couch was soon dry, with not a stain in sight. My roommate and I were thrilled! When I moved to my new apartment to start my own journey, I got to take my memories with my friends, with me!
Call Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning of Cordova, TN