Hello! My name is Thomas Korioth and I have been a librarian at the Myrtle Glanton Library in Murfreesboro, Tennessee since 2007. I have noticed that, over the last couple of years, due to the high traffic of the library, traffic stains, spilled coffee, and dirt has accumulated. We have different stains, of various sizes and types. I thought it would be nice to bring our carpets back to life!
I called a steam cleaning company first. They came out to do the cleaning, but nothing seemed to change. Every stain I had mentally cataloged was still there, staring back at me. I went home that night, defeated.
Over dinner, my wife mentioned to me that there was a carpet cleaning service known to last four times longer than leading steam cleaners. She added that they were more affordable as well. Since the library is owned by the city, affordability is always a high priority.
I made the call that Wednesday and set my appointment up for the weekend, when our hours were a little shorter. William arrived promptly and got to work on measurements, taking care to measure around the bookshelves to give me the most accurate pricing.
I, personally, have a lot of allergies, and I know many children who frequent the library do as well. William told me that the solution they use is hypoallergenic, and should not affect my allergies, or the allergies of others. He also offered to add on an allergen treatment to help soothe allergies for everybody. I didn’t even know that existed! William was very knowledgeable and professional. He spoke to me with respect and clearly explained what the allergy treatment did and why it was important. I didn’t know that carpeting could cause so many allergies to arise!
He covered the entire library, completing his job in about four hours. He even got under the edges of the bookshelves to ensure he had cleaned as much carpet as absolutely possible. They looked brand new again. Even the blue seemed brighter and more vibrant. He gave me tips to reduce staining, and added the protectant for no extra charge to help ensure that the cleaning lasts as long as possible, and the carpeting will even take less damage.
I wasn’t able to pay immediately, but William understood. He supplied me with an invoice and the link to make the payment later on. I paid the next day, after I received the pay card from the city. I paid right then, and then called and scheduled him for three other libraries as well!
Don’t wait around for things to happen for you. Make things happen now! Starting with a cleaner, softer, fresher home or business. It’s carpet worth reading a whole series on!
Call Safe-Dry Carpet Cleaning of Murfreesboro, TN